Part of URC Reading Group with Grange and Tilehurst United Reformed Churches
St Andrew's URC Reading
Welcome to St Andrew's URC, Reading, we invite you to join us any Sunday morning or at one of our regular activities.
We are part of a joint pastorate of United Reformed Churches in Reading with a shared ministry team of Revd Robert
Barthram and Revd John Downing and we invite you to join us at one of our churches situated across Reading.
The United Reformed Church doctrine is from the Reformed tradition and was formed by the amalgamation of the
Presbyterian and Congregational Churches of England and later with the Churches of Christ.
You will be made very welcome.
Welcome to St Andrew's
Local Church News
St Andrew's Traidcraft stall operates each Sunday morning and John Munro has a wide range of Fairtrade goods on offer.
See Link to Traidcraft .
St Andrew's Link
Situated close the Royal Berks Hospital, St Andrew's members have for many years been part of the Hospital Community as doctors, nurses or volunteers.
We are pleased to support the RBH Intensive Care Team who twice each year organise and lead a Memorial Service for the families of those patients who have passed away in the unit.
In addition, regular building users include the Blood Transfusion Service, Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer and Reading Diabetes UK groups.
Part of our Vision is to be at the Heart of our local Community, so if you need support for one of these conditions, please see our 'Useful Links' Page.
We invite you to join us at one of our worship services.
St. Andrew’s URC seeks to provide a happy friendly atmosphere whilst providing a safe, caring Christian family environment for all children and young people who come on to church premises.
We are truly multicultural with peoples from over 20 nations worshipping together.
You will be made very welcome.
The church building has now re-opened for Sunday Services
You can also JOIN US ONLINE for Services via Zoom
Services start at 11.00am unless otherwise shown
Meeting ID: 465 947 9014 Password: 087977
Sun 17th Oct 11.00am Morning Service Revd Robert Barthram
Sun 24th Oct 11.00am Morning Service Dr Scott Wheeler
Sun 31st Oct 11.00am Morning Service Revd John Downing
Sun 7th Nov 11.00am Holy Communion Revd Robert Barthram
Sun 14th Nov 11.00am Service of Remembrance Revd Robert Barthram
Sun 21st Nov 11.00am Morning Service Mr Colin Ferguson
Sun 28th Nov 11.00am St Andrew's Day Service Revd Robert Barthram
If you need to talk, please see our CONTACT US page and call one of our Ministers or our Church Secretary. URC a Daily Devotions pa
Constance Coltman's centenery celebrations
St Andrews welcomes strangers
As a church with people from over 20 nations worshipping and sharing together, perhaps it's no surprise that a stanger, a foreigner from Peru came to visit and was made welcome,
See how he got on on our events page.
You too will be made welcome
IMPORTANT - St Andrew's Church Car Park - Warning Notice
Due to a high number of unauthorised users parking in rented spaces, the Church Meeting in October 18 agreed to use a car park management company to which authorised car park users can upload a picture of the offending vehicle occupying their space.
The company will then obtain the vehicle owner's details and issue a penalty charge notice of £100.
Prominent Warning Signage is on Display.
Readifood have moved to bigger premises in Boulton Road and are providing essential support to an increasing number of families every month. Food is supplied by referral only so the need is very real.
Readifood boxes are located at doors of our worship room and any food stuffs in a tin, bottle or packet and in reasonable date are welcome.
Thank you for your continued support throughout the year.
‘Together we can Help.'
The United Reformed Church is a Multicultural Church
You are invited to explore how the legacies of slavery continue to affect life today.
On the main urc website, you will find resources including bible studies, films, books, papers and prayers covering topics including:-
Slavery and Colonisation - White Privilege - Restorative Justice
and looks at how we can begin to build more conscious, just and anti-racist communities
(c) St Andrews URC, Reading
St Andrew's United Reformed Church
(By the Royal Berkshire Hospital)
The church has now re-opened for Sunday Worship. Our Worship Room has been re-arranged to accommodate up to 35 persons in a low-risk environment. You can also join us online via Zoom for Sunday Worship - see below for details.